Area Manager in Mount Gambier

Paula O'Hare

Mount Gambier Branch
WFI, 397 Commercial Street West,
Mount Gambier, 5290

Mobile: 0477 310 867
Office: 1300 934 934

About Paula

Paula is the local WFI Authorised Representative, servicing the lower southeast area of South Australia.

She joined WFI in September 1986 and since then has built and maintained many longstanding, professional relationships with her clients.

Paula has a sound understanding of regional and farming communities having grown up on the dairy/beef cattle farm in the Western District of Victoria. She has worked in Regional Victoria and on the periphery of Melbourne working with both commercial and rural clients.

Paula values face-to-face contact and has a friendly personal approach to providing client service. This enables her to thoroughly understand her clients and their insurance requirements.

Useful documents

Paula O'Hare (362593) is an Authorised Representative of WFI and can assist you with:

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At WFI, we take insurance personally. Request a quote and let us help you with your insurance.